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"Where Nurture Meets Nature"


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Jeri Preuter, MH, HT, NAET, CI

Jeri Preuter

Combined experience as a NAET Allergy Therapist and Master Herbalist/Holistic Therapist since 1987.

Utilizing Western herbology, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.

Organically growing medicinal herbs since 1987.

NAET is a natural, painless, and non-invasive technique that involves art and science from various medical disciplines: allopathy, chiropractic, kinesiology, acupuncture and nutrition. It can give relief from multitudes of commonly seen health disorders that originally started with some allergic reactions. An allergy is defined as an "overreaction" or "hypersensitivity" of the body's immune system to certain substances. You can be allergic to anything you come in contact with and symptoms can be extremely diverse. If you experience any unusual physical, physiological or emotional symptoms without any obvious reason, you can suspect an allergy.

The main application of NAET is to remove the adverse reactions between your body and other substances. This provides you with good nutrition, enhances your natural ability to absorb and assimilate the necessary elements from your food, and eliminates unwanted toxic materials that enter your body. This could help your body as a whole to accept all foods, substances, products and environments as neutral or beneficial.

What this all means is that if you have a sensitivity to chocolate, for example, after some successful NAET treatments you should be able to enjoy chocolate again without any problems.

For more information, call:
(604) 593-8150
or email

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